Dear Wolf Family!

As we approach the start of a new academic year, I am filled with excitement and optimism for the journey that lies ahead. I am writing to share some important updates and reflections on our school’s progress and future direction.

Firstly, I am thrilled to announce the establishment of the Sedbergh Vietnam brand, which has forged close links with our partner school in the UK. This connection was beautifully evidenced by our recent student trip to Sedbergh UK, where our pupils worked alongside their British counterparts, immersing themselves in language learning, leadership development, collaborative projects, and British culture. This experience has not only broadened their horizons but also strengthened the bonds within our global Sedbergh family.

I’m pleased to report that our school renovations are nearing completion. These upgrades will provide our students with state-of-the-art learning facilities, complementing the high-quality teaching delivered by our dedicated returning staff and talented new additions to our team. We are confident that these enhanced spaces will inspire creativity, foster collaboration, and elevate the overall learning experience for our students.

As we embark on this new chapter, it’s important to acknowledge that change can sometimes bring challenges, particularly when it comes to shifting expectations. However, I want to reassure you that our community is committed to supporting our students through these transitions. We believe that these changes will ultimately benefit the entire Wolf Family, nurturing growth and excellence in all aspects of school life.

One visible change you’ll notice is our new school uniform. Designed with great care and consideration, it reflects not only our local climate but also honours the rich heritage of Sedbergh School UK. We are immensely proud of this uniform and encourage our students to wear it with a sense of pride and belonging. It serves as a key signifier of their membership in a worldwide community, a family united across continents by our core values of Humility, Ambition, Resilience, and Kindness. These values and structures are the bedrock of our educational philosophy and will continue to guide us as we navigate the exciting year ahead. They remind us of our commitment to personal growth, academic excellence, and community service.

I want to emphasize that we expect all students to wear full school uniform from the first day of school. This includes plain black shoes. Please note that previous uniform items, trainers, sandals, crocs, or shoes with colored designs are not permitted. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your child adheres to these uniform guidelines and arrives prepared on the first day of school.

Additionally, I’d like to remind all students and parents that mobile phones and smart watches are not permitted on campus at any time. This policy is designed to minimise distractions and encourage face-to-face interactions among our school community and any such devices seen on campus will be confiscated from students, as per the policy shared at the end of the last school year.

On our first day back on campus, students will discover which House they have been placed in. The House system is a cornerstone of the Sedbergh experience, becoming a family within the school for each student. It will provide support, friendship, opportunities for healthy competition, and a strong sense of identity. We’re excited to see how our students will thrive within their new House communities and look forward to welcoming parents to join in with the House spirit of support at many events throughout the year.

When a student joins Sedbergh Vietnam, it’s not just the child who becomes part of our community – it’s the entire family. With this in mind, I will be writing to parents once the new school year is underway with details of our parent participation program. This initiative is designed to give all parents the opportunity to learn more about our school and the educational provision their child is benefiting from. We want parents to feel as much a part of our community as their children do, and we look forward to your active involvement in the Wolf Family experience.

As we prepare to welcome both returning and new students and their families from 07:30am on August 12th, , I am filled with anticipation for the achievements, discoveries, and memories we will create together. Our staff is ready to support, challenge, and inspire your children to reach their full potential.

Thank you for your continued trust and support. Together, we will make this academic year one of growth, learning, and shared success for our entire Sedbergh Vietnam community.

Warm regards,

Jodie Evans

Headmistress – Sedbergh Vietnam

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